STADLER SPEDITION - CareersWe have the prospects - do you have the profile?
We are pleased that you are interested in a career with STADLER SPEDITION. We are sure that we can offer you a versatile workplace with diverse challenges and interesting possibilities. We require qualified staff with many years of forwarding/logistics experience to guarantee our clients the best solutions in the transport and logistics sector. |
Tips for applying:
The following applies for all applications: Your documents should include a cover letter, photograph, a CV in tabular form and copies of all of your certificates. We are also very interested in your prior experience and knowledge.
Ideally, send your documents by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We would like to point out that application portfolios sent to us by post will not be returned, for administrative reasons.
Please note this for your mailing. We do not require any original photos or documents.
If you are unable to send us your application electronically, we still ask you to indicate an email address which we can use to inform you about the current status of the applicant selection process.
Job Market
Please consult the German version for currently available positions.

Speculative application:
Haven’t found a suitable role in our current job vacancies? Convince us of your commitment and send a speculative application with an indication of the desired position to us at:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please refer to our Tips for applying

Become a freight forwarder:
We offer quality conscious and reliable transport companies the option of deploying their vehicles with us. Please send the following completed form to us if you are interested.